You may want to read my blog entry on Cleansing Herbs and take the 30 day challenge.
Do you suffer from:
Diabetes, Gout, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Menstral cramps, Acne, anemia, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, head aches, eczema, psoriasis, colds, flu, bronchial disorders, arthristis, jaundice, water retention, constipation, yeast or urinary tract infections.
Find out how Yucca Root, Pau d'arco, Yellow dock roo, Cascara Sagrada natural ingredients could help rid these ailments with our Cleansing Herbs system.
Debbi Patrick
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Diva's Free Eblog Course: Take the 30 Day Challenge with Cleansing Herbs, Projoba Slim & D'tx Fx
After taking this wellness eblog course, answer the 4 quiz questions at the bottom and get a free gift just for taking this health and wellness course. Enjoy. Diva
Welcome to Diva’s Wellness EBlog Class
Soul Purpose Health & Wellness Diva CEO & Founder of STLEN Debbi Patrick
My mission is to give you healthy options, information and alternatives to optimum health and wellness while protecting the planet and its environment.
Want to shred a few pounds for the summer?
Divas, how many times have we gone to that closet and those pants or short skirt just don’t fit us where we can exhale? Well fear no more! First, I must say, I am not a physician or practicing to be one. Seek physician advice before starting any dieting or exercise plan. Now that we got the legalities out to the way, let start be say, we need a clean healthy colon before starting any diet plan.
How does your colon measure up? When was the last time you had a colon cleanse if ever? NO? Well I recommend first that you detox your system first. D’Tox Fx is a capsule that I recommend to my friends and family.
Youngevity® D’Tox fx™ is a proprietary blend of naturally detoxifying ingredients. These ingredients act by binding with impurities and toxins, and help to remove them from the body. Youngevity® D’Tox fx™ helps support and promote optimal health and well-being.
Directions: take 3 capsules daily before bedtime with a full glass of water.
Contains: Alfalfa juice extract 50 mg, Buckthorn Bark 450 mg, Magnesium 160 mg, Montmorillonite 600 mg. (What is this you ask????) Well let me tell you why you need it.
• Alfalfa is one of the most beneficial foods given to us by the creator. It is one of the richest sources of all minerals necessary for great health. It is especially rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron in their most digestible forms. Alfalfa also contains fluoride in a natural form and most beneficial trace minerals, fiber, all vitamins including vitamin A as beta carotene, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K, essential fatty acids, antioxidants such as chlorophyll.
• Buckthorn Bark -Buckthorn Bark Benefits - Buckthorn bark is very beneficial when used for the intestinal tract. It contains 1,8-dihydroxy-anthracenes, which acts on the nerves of the intestines that sometimes contract, preventing bowel movement. This helps relieve constipation. Buckthorn bark promotes the emptying of intestinal contents. Other benefits of Buckthorn bark include its ability to help hemorrhoids or anal fissures heal, because of its stool softening effect. Many times, people become constipated or have problems with their digestive tract, which can cause weight gain. Buckthorn bark helps flush out the digestive system, effectively ridding the body of toxins and other waste that can cause weight gain and bloating.
• Montmorillonite - Calcium Montmorillonite - Living Clay - Healing Clay
"In addition to the role it plays as a potent detoxifier, “Calcium Montmorillonite Clay” has also been used extensively in the treatment of pain, open wounds, colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems, acne, anemia, and a variety of other health issues. Clay not only cures minor problems, such as diarrhea and constipation through local application; it acts on all the organs—on the whole organism. Everything unhealthy, that emits negative radiations is irresistibly attracted to clay and becomes subject to immediate elimination. For centuries Native American healers used it internally and externally in the treatment of a variety of illnesses. In years past sailing vessels departing from France were known to store clay on board for the treatment of dysentery as well as other ailments. Animals, domestic and wild alike, instinctually drawn to clay deposits have been observed licking the clay as part of their everyday diet, and rolling in it to obtain relief from injuries.
Cleansing Herbs (30 days) 3 caps a day – contains 13 patented amino acid mineral to support intestines and colon health. Contains: Yucca Root, Fennel seed, Pau d’arco bark, peppermint leaf, yellow dock root, cascara sagrada bark, selenium, vitamin b-12, calcium, zinc, potassium and a host of other vegan ingredients! Just sit back and look at at least (4) of the ingredients in this product that are not only great, but if you are suffering with any of these listed ailments, you will see most problems start in the colon!
• Cascara sagrada is a natural laxative that comes from the reddish-brown bark of the Rhamnus purshiana tree native to the Pacific Northwest. It was used by various Native American Indian tribes, who also passed their sacred bark on to Spanish explorers.
• Yucca Root - The yucca plant grows primarily in the southwestern deserts of the United States, and has a long history of medicinal and practical use among Native Americans. Although there are several species of this plant, it is easily identified by its long, spiky leaves, which resemble those of the aloe plant. It has been used to treat a wide variety of conditions that cause pain and inflammation, including premenstrual syndrome, arthritis, and chronic headache. It has also traditionally been used to treat skin conditions, such as skin cancer, and to promote the healing of wounds. The extract helped relieve joint pain and stiffness for about half of the participants, all of which suffered from arthritis. Other studies indicate that certain species of yucca may help reduce headache pain and promote cardiovascular health by improving circulation and lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. It is also used to treat gout, and is thought to promote normal digestion and liver function.
• Pau d'arco has a folk reputation as an anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agent, especially for treating candida infections. Several Tabebuia species have long been used by South American indigenous groups as a cancer remedy. In Peru, Pau d'arco has been used to treat diabetes and as a blood purifier. It is often used in combination with other herbs. In the late 1960s, popular newspaper and magazine reports in Brazil led to widespread use in South America which prompted scientific research into its purported health benefits. Current Status: Pau d'arco has been studied for its anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and immunostimulant activities. Early results were promising. It is widely used by herbalists outside the United States to treat cancer; for viral infections such as colds, flu, and herpes; bacterial infections; fungal infections such as candida; inflammations of the nose and throat; and many other conditions.
• Yellow Dock Root- Removing toxins from the blood. It can be used to help with conditions such as anemia. Cleansing the digestive system. Drinking yellow dock tea once or twice a day can help to clean the system gently. Encouraging production of bile to help to break down fats in the system. Yellow dock improves flow and production of digestive juices. The herb has diuretic and laxative properties and so can help with water retention, constipation, and the removal of toxins from the body. It has high iron content and is readily absorbed into the blood stream. Yellow dock herb helps to improve the functioning of some of the major organs of the body such as the liver by removing toxins and other waste products. It can be used as part of a liver detoxifying regime. In the nineteenth century, yellow dock was recommended for jaundice sufferers. Yellow dock reduces inflammation in the digestive system, which will help to keep it functioning properly. Removal of toxins can help with some related symptoms such as headaches and mental fatigue. Conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can also benefit from the use of yellow dock herb. Yellow dock tea has some expectorant properties and therefore can relieve symptoms of colds and other bronchial disorders. The anti-inflammatory properties of yellow dock herb can help with arthritis and rheumatism. Yellow dock root extract can be a useful remedy for those who regularly suffer from yeast or urinary tract infections.
After you complete your 30 day cleaning or detox – you are ready to start shredding your weight with Projoba Slim & Pollen Burst fat burning daily drink.
• Projoba Slim – contains 1,000 mg of Jojoba Extract (Jojoba seeds) ( I also recommend adding our box of Pollen burst (contains SOD –excellent ingredient) to help burn calories. Pollen Burst is a daily drink that’s not like those other energy drinks that get you hyper, but it will keep you from snacking. ($80 for a box of 30 packs) Safe and Effective! 100% free of stimulants, laxatives, fat blockers, and carbohydrate blockers, artificial and synthetic ingredients. 100% NATURAL AND NON-TOXIC!
The regimen program costs $95 for DTox fx and Projoba slim or Cleansing Herbs & Projoba Slim. *Add your daily Pollen Burst drink! Extra $80 to your package to optimize your weight loss program. Price does not include tax and shipping. Ask me how to get this 30% off with our $11 wholesale membership.
Sensible Weight Maintenance Tips:
Losing weight may not be effortless, but it doesn't have to be complicated. To achieve long-term results, it's best to avoid complex regimes. Focus instead on making modest changes to your life's daily routine.
A balanced, healthy diet and sensible, regular exercise are the keys to maintaining your ideal weight. Although nutrition science is constantly evolving, here are some generally-accepted guidelines for losing weight: Consult with your doctor, a dietician, or other qualified health professional to determine your ideal weight. Eat smaller portions and choose from a variety of foods. Load up on food naturally high in fiber: fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Limit portions of foods high in fats: dairy products like cheese, butter, and whole milk; red meat; cakes and pastries.
Exercise at least three times a week.
Track your weight at for free, and get healthy meal plans and receipes.
Welcome to Diva’s Wellness EBlog Class
Soul Purpose Health & Wellness Diva CEO & Founder of STLEN Debbi Patrick
My mission is to give you healthy options, information and alternatives to optimum health and wellness while protecting the planet and its environment.
Want to shred a few pounds for the summer?
Divas, how many times have we gone to that closet and those pants or short skirt just don’t fit us where we can exhale? Well fear no more! First, I must say, I am not a physician or practicing to be one. Seek physician advice before starting any dieting or exercise plan. Now that we got the legalities out to the way, let start be say, we need a clean healthy colon before starting any diet plan.
How does your colon measure up? When was the last time you had a colon cleanse if ever? NO? Well I recommend first that you detox your system first. D’Tox Fx is a capsule that I recommend to my friends and family.
Youngevity® D’Tox fx™ is a proprietary blend of naturally detoxifying ingredients. These ingredients act by binding with impurities and toxins, and help to remove them from the body. Youngevity® D’Tox fx™ helps support and promote optimal health and well-being.
Directions: take 3 capsules daily before bedtime with a full glass of water.
Contains: Alfalfa juice extract 50 mg, Buckthorn Bark 450 mg, Magnesium 160 mg, Montmorillonite 600 mg. (What is this you ask????) Well let me tell you why you need it.
• Alfalfa is one of the most beneficial foods given to us by the creator. It is one of the richest sources of all minerals necessary for great health. It is especially rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron in their most digestible forms. Alfalfa also contains fluoride in a natural form and most beneficial trace minerals, fiber, all vitamins including vitamin A as beta carotene, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K, essential fatty acids, antioxidants such as chlorophyll.
• Buckthorn Bark -Buckthorn Bark Benefits - Buckthorn bark is very beneficial when used for the intestinal tract. It contains 1,8-dihydroxy-anthracenes, which acts on the nerves of the intestines that sometimes contract, preventing bowel movement. This helps relieve constipation. Buckthorn bark promotes the emptying of intestinal contents. Other benefits of Buckthorn bark include its ability to help hemorrhoids or anal fissures heal, because of its stool softening effect. Many times, people become constipated or have problems with their digestive tract, which can cause weight gain. Buckthorn bark helps flush out the digestive system, effectively ridding the body of toxins and other waste that can cause weight gain and bloating.
• Montmorillonite - Calcium Montmorillonite - Living Clay - Healing Clay
"In addition to the role it plays as a potent detoxifier, “Calcium Montmorillonite Clay” has also been used extensively in the treatment of pain, open wounds, colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems, acne, anemia, and a variety of other health issues. Clay not only cures minor problems, such as diarrhea and constipation through local application; it acts on all the organs—on the whole organism. Everything unhealthy, that emits negative radiations is irresistibly attracted to clay and becomes subject to immediate elimination. For centuries Native American healers used it internally and externally in the treatment of a variety of illnesses. In years past sailing vessels departing from France were known to store clay on board for the treatment of dysentery as well as other ailments. Animals, domestic and wild alike, instinctually drawn to clay deposits have been observed licking the clay as part of their everyday diet, and rolling in it to obtain relief from injuries.
Cleansing Herbs (30 days) 3 caps a day – contains 13 patented amino acid mineral to support intestines and colon health. Contains: Yucca Root, Fennel seed, Pau d’arco bark, peppermint leaf, yellow dock root, cascara sagrada bark, selenium, vitamin b-12, calcium, zinc, potassium and a host of other vegan ingredients! Just sit back and look at at least (4) of the ingredients in this product that are not only great, but if you are suffering with any of these listed ailments, you will see most problems start in the colon!
• Cascara sagrada is a natural laxative that comes from the reddish-brown bark of the Rhamnus purshiana tree native to the Pacific Northwest. It was used by various Native American Indian tribes, who also passed their sacred bark on to Spanish explorers.
• Yucca Root - The yucca plant grows primarily in the southwestern deserts of the United States, and has a long history of medicinal and practical use among Native Americans. Although there are several species of this plant, it is easily identified by its long, spiky leaves, which resemble those of the aloe plant. It has been used to treat a wide variety of conditions that cause pain and inflammation, including premenstrual syndrome, arthritis, and chronic headache. It has also traditionally been used to treat skin conditions, such as skin cancer, and to promote the healing of wounds. The extract helped relieve joint pain and stiffness for about half of the participants, all of which suffered from arthritis. Other studies indicate that certain species of yucca may help reduce headache pain and promote cardiovascular health by improving circulation and lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. It is also used to treat gout, and is thought to promote normal digestion and liver function.
• Pau d'arco has a folk reputation as an anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agent, especially for treating candida infections. Several Tabebuia species have long been used by South American indigenous groups as a cancer remedy. In Peru, Pau d'arco has been used to treat diabetes and as a blood purifier. It is often used in combination with other herbs. In the late 1960s, popular newspaper and magazine reports in Brazil led to widespread use in South America which prompted scientific research into its purported health benefits. Current Status: Pau d'arco has been studied for its anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and immunostimulant activities. Early results were promising. It is widely used by herbalists outside the United States to treat cancer; for viral infections such as colds, flu, and herpes; bacterial infections; fungal infections such as candida; inflammations of the nose and throat; and many other conditions.
• Yellow Dock Root- Removing toxins from the blood. It can be used to help with conditions such as anemia. Cleansing the digestive system. Drinking yellow dock tea once or twice a day can help to clean the system gently. Encouraging production of bile to help to break down fats in the system. Yellow dock improves flow and production of digestive juices. The herb has diuretic and laxative properties and so can help with water retention, constipation, and the removal of toxins from the body. It has high iron content and is readily absorbed into the blood stream. Yellow dock herb helps to improve the functioning of some of the major organs of the body such as the liver by removing toxins and other waste products. It can be used as part of a liver detoxifying regime. In the nineteenth century, yellow dock was recommended for jaundice sufferers. Yellow dock reduces inflammation in the digestive system, which will help to keep it functioning properly. Removal of toxins can help with some related symptoms such as headaches and mental fatigue. Conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can also benefit from the use of yellow dock herb. Yellow dock tea has some expectorant properties and therefore can relieve symptoms of colds and other bronchial disorders. The anti-inflammatory properties of yellow dock herb can help with arthritis and rheumatism. Yellow dock root extract can be a useful remedy for those who regularly suffer from yeast or urinary tract infections.
After you complete your 30 day cleaning or detox – you are ready to start shredding your weight with Projoba Slim & Pollen Burst fat burning daily drink.
• Projoba Slim – contains 1,000 mg of Jojoba Extract (Jojoba seeds) ( I also recommend adding our box of Pollen burst (contains SOD –excellent ingredient) to help burn calories. Pollen Burst is a daily drink that’s not like those other energy drinks that get you hyper, but it will keep you from snacking. ($80 for a box of 30 packs) Safe and Effective! 100% free of stimulants, laxatives, fat blockers, and carbohydrate blockers, artificial and synthetic ingredients. 100% NATURAL AND NON-TOXIC!
The regimen program costs $95 for DTox fx and Projoba slim or Cleansing Herbs & Projoba Slim. *Add your daily Pollen Burst drink! Extra $80 to your package to optimize your weight loss program. Price does not include tax and shipping. Ask me how to get this 30% off with our $11 wholesale membership.
Sensible Weight Maintenance Tips:
Losing weight may not be effortless, but it doesn't have to be complicated. To achieve long-term results, it's best to avoid complex regimes. Focus instead on making modest changes to your life's daily routine.
A balanced, healthy diet and sensible, regular exercise are the keys to maintaining your ideal weight. Although nutrition science is constantly evolving, here are some generally-accepted guidelines for losing weight: Consult with your doctor, a dietician, or other qualified health professional to determine your ideal weight. Eat smaller portions and choose from a variety of foods. Load up on food naturally high in fiber: fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Limit portions of foods high in fats: dairy products like cheese, butter, and whole milk; red meat; cakes and pastries.
Exercise at least three times a week.
Track your weight at for free, and get healthy meal plans and receipes.
colon cleansing,
Soul Purpose,
Are you ready to drop a few or a lot of pounds?
Stay tune to my blog this Thursday at 8pm for details and information on:
D'Tox Fx and Projoba Slim online talk with the Health & Wellness Diva!
D'Tox Fx and Projoba Slim online talk with the Health & Wellness Diva!
Soul Purpose,
Weight Loss
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