Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kick the SUGAR habit! Sugar Feeds Cancer

The white crystalline substance we know of as sugar is an unnatural substance produced by industrial processes (mostly from sugar cane or sugar beets) by refining it down to pure sucrose, after stripping away all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and other beneficial nutrients. 95% of people... are addicted to it. KICK THE SUGAR MY PEOPLE. TRY NATURAL SOMMERSWEET! NO AFTER TASTE 314-332-0985

Did you know that sugar feeds cancer, is not a real food, rots your teeth, bad for children, kills your bones, bad for arthritis and diabetics? We have a natural sweetener that cooks, tastes like sugar only 5 times sweeter comes from 36,000 species of plants & fruits.

Natural SomerSweet contains Mung Beans are a member of the legume family of plants . The consumption of 4 or more servings/week of beans,decreased heart disease by 22% according to a US study of nearly 10,000 people.


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