Black Gene Lies / Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie Seminar Series – Part 1
The things that the African American community have been lied to about!
It is a proven fact that African Americans suffer hyper tension, heart disease,
and diabetes more than any other race. Why?
We live in the same neighborhoods, shop at the same stores, eat the same foods, send our kids to the same schools, and work at the same jobs. Did you know that blacks in Africa don't have these diseases?
What is the difference?
Education! I am not talking about school education. I am talking about the education on the causes of diseases at their root and what to do about them. It is now known what the problem is with the health care system. Doctors are not in the business of curing you. They make their money by "treating" you.
We have started a campaign to get the word out to all of America on how to live longer and healthier lives. The “Black Gene Lie/Dead Doctors Don’t Lie ” Part 1 series seminars has started in St. Louis, Missouri to get the word out to people like you.
After hearing what you can do to combat these diseases, you will want to acquire the proper knowledge on getting the nutrition and an action plan to get you back to a more healthier lifestyle without costly doctor bills!
YOU do not have to suffer from Aids/HIV, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis, Infant Mortality, Nutrition for Pregnancy, Women’s Health issues and even Asthma and more disease plaguing the African American and Latino Communities.
Did you know that over 900 diseases have been cured in animals? If those exist, why wouldn’t they exist for Humans?
If you have not heard the CD Black Gene Lies 1 & 2 by Dr. Joel Wallach…STOP RIGHT NOW....Get the cds! Dr. Joel Wallach’s Interview w/ Herbalist Dirk Twine about the Ten Top Killer Diseases of African Americas.
He also has a book: Black Gene Lies (Slave Quarter Cures) The medical establishment in industrialized nations, led by the medical establishment in America, continues to perpetuate the false dogma that Black individuals are lesser than White individuals as patients and as care givers-and of course during the 19th and 20th centuries, the American medical system supported this dogma through the pseudoscience of eugenics and later in the 20th and 21st centuries through the false dogmas of Genetics.
I was so blown away by the information Dr. Wallach gave on that interview, it was awesome. Let me tell you it has changed how I think about me, my family, my community, my race and the world.
This has changed the way I think about my business. THIS CAN CHANGE YOUR BUSINESS ALL TOGETHER! If you are not hosting or sponsoring a Black Gene Lies seminar in your town, you need to re-think it! This could determined if you want BE ABOUT A LIFESTYLE change or just sit on the side lines and watch other people actually change their entire life around.
You should dig into every family member, friend and neighbor and let them hear this CD! IT IS life changing.
The fact that a doctor would rather continue to keep you coming to his office earning $750,000 of your money than give you or suggest a mineral is just BAFFLING.
This is a lifestyle investment in you.
Attend this FREE seminar “Black Gene Lies and Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie Part 1 in St. Louis Missouri, August 28th 1pm at Screenz, 6680 Delmar (U-City Loop), St. Louis, MO 63130. Register at and get your free seminar CD “Black Gene Lies” just for attending.