Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stop Using Anti-Freeze on Your Skin!

What you say Holistic Diva has lost her mind and gone crazy? Let's see who the crazy one is... did you know if you look in your bathroom right now you will find almost on every label from what you use, the babies use, your man use has PROPYLENE GLYCOL?

What is Propylene Glycol IS ASK?>>>>>>>> Anti-Freeze!

Propylene Glycol (PG, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), and Ethylene Glycol (EG) are all petroleum derivatives that act as solvents, surfactants, and wetting agents. They can easily penetrate the skin, and can weaken protein and cellular structure. In fact, PG penetrates the skin so quickly that the EPA warns factory workers to avoid skin contact, to prevent brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities.

PG is present in many stick deodorants, often in heavier concentration than in most industrial applications. (Nyack, Dr. Vin, Ph.D., Biochemist; personal communication). And Propylene Glycol is what is used to carry the “active” ingredients in those transdermal patches INTO YOUR BODY!! Imagine a bottle of Anti-Freeze in a picture with shampoos, deodorants, cosmetics, lotions and toothpastes?
The question you should be asking is ….

What’s Anti-Freeze doing IN my shampoos, deodorants, cosmetics, lotions and toothpaste?

Yes, the main ingredient in anti-freeze is in all of these products!

Shocked? You should be! You need to understand what it could do to your health…
PROPYLENE GLYCOL - is a colorless, viscous, hygroscopic liquid CH3CHOHCH2OH, used in anti-freeze solutions, in hydraulic fluids, and as a solvent. Also called “Propanediol” American Heritage Encyclopedia Dictionary.

PROPYLENE GLYCOL is used in: Anti-Freeze * Brake and Hydraulic Fluid * De-Icer * Paints and Coatings * Floor Wax * Laundry Detergents * Pet Food * Tobacco * Cosmetics * Toothpastes * Shampoos * Deodorants * Lotions * Processed Foods and many more personal care items.

Check out your body lotions, deodorant, hair conditioner, hair gel, creams, and many more products! Propylene Glycol serves as a Humectant – a substance that helps retain moisture content, or simply –it prevents things from drying out. That’s why some pet foods are soft and chewy. This, of course, is a good reason it’s in cosmetics and other personal care items. It makes the skin feel moist and soft. And, the products don’t dry out. Propylene Glycol is also found in baby wipes and even some processed foods! Go ahead, check your labels!

A published clinical review showed propylene glycol causes a significant number of reactions and was a primary irritant to the skin even in low levels of concentrations. The American Academy of Dermatologists, Inc; Jan. 1991
The problem is PROPYLENE GLYCOL may be absorbed through the skin. Studies have shown SYSTEMIC retention (Residue throughout).

Experience safe products for you and your family with Soul Purpose & Youngevity Life Sciences.Contact Debbi Patrick 314-332-0985 or

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