Why you should use Nurture Rejevenating Day Cream by Soul Purpose? www.debbipatrick.soulpurpose.net 314-332-0985 $20
In Warm Spirit it was called the Kindness cream. I have fallen total over heels for the new version Nurture Rejuvenating cream. Its a spa in a jar!
Mimosa extract: Mimosa has anti-ageing and skin-soothing properties. Silk protein complex, rich in amino-acids and polypeptides provides a luxurious moisturizing and skin conditioning effect.
Wild Yam: wild yam benefits include those that are related to female complications. The antispasmodic property helps with menstrual cramps. It is also used for nausea during pregnancy. In general, it is a good tonic for the female system because it can help balance out the hormones.
Chamomile can be used to defeat insomnia and combat many other problems including menstrual cramps. Helps heal skin irritations such as bites, stings, burns and helps to fight against acne.
Blue Cypress:Cypress essential oil is known to have several therapeutic properties. It is diuretic, deodorant, antispasmodic, antiseptic and astringent.It has a soothing and calming effect and can be good for people who are stressed-out and anxious.used to treat influenza, emphysema, bronchitis, whooping cough, and asthma and helps with menstral cycles.
Black Current oil benefits: able to enhance T cell-mediated immune function.1 Black currant seed reduces formation of prostaglandins that promote inflammation, while increasing production of anti-inflammatory-one of ther best sources of the valuable omega 6 fatty acid gamma-linoleic acid.
Ylang Ylang is a calming, soothing essential oil that helps alleviate stress. It also helps high blood pressure and decreases nervous tension. Is an excellent balancing oil for oily or dry skin. Ylang ylang is a natural conditioner. Can be found in SoulPurpose Nurture face cream.
All of these essential oils, herbs and vitamins are found in our Soul Purpose Nurture Rejuvenating Cream. I love this cream, it leaves my face so soft and moisturized. You have to try a sample of this cream.
Got to love these products! I have covered over 6 healthy reasons why you should use Nurture Rejevenating Day Cream. Its like having a 4star Spa cream at your finger tips. Made with us in mind. I have not seen a product with so many nutritional values in it on the market. It is a must have!
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