Did you know the FDA only approve food, not personal care products.
I am going to talk to you about Tallow and Animal By-products. You have heard me mention that Soul Purpose has no animal by products. Some of you don't even know what that is or what it is manufactured. But in your everyday products that you by at the local major stores, the products filled with chemicals and petroleum (crude oil) might as well pour motor oil on yourself along with mineral oil.
The number one ingredient is Tallow or they will camougflauge the name and call it something else. Tallow is a filler manufactured by these rending plants. What is a rending plant? Read for yourself below.
Then I challenge you to go thru your bathroom, and READ THE LABELS. If you have any of these items, I would think you want to get rid of them. Then call me for a healthier choice of products.
Rendering Plants -Recycling of Dead Animals and Slaughterhouse Wastes
Huge mass killing in modern slaughterhouses create a big pile of carcasses. Rendering plants are developed to get rid of them and other stuff from various sources. Let's take a peak at them...
Rendering Plants:-Rendering plants perform one of the most complementing functions for modern slaughterhouses. They recycle dead animals, slaughterhouse wastes, and supermarket rejects into various products known as recycled meat, bone meal, and animal fat. These products are sold as a source of protein and other nutrients in the diets of dairy animals, poultry, swine, pet foods, cattle feed, and sheep feed. Animal fat is also used in animal feeds as an energy source.
One estimate states that some 40 billion pounds of slaughterhouse wastes like blood, bone, and viscera, as well as the remains of millions of euthanised cats and dogs passed along by veterinarians and animal shelters, are rendered annually into livestock feed. This way they turn dairy cows, other cattle and hogs, which are natural herbivores (vegetarians), into unwitting carnivores (non-vegetarians).
This is a multibillion-dollar industry, and these facilities operate 24 hours a day just about everywhere in America, Europe and other parts of the world. They have been in operation for years. Yet so few of us have ever heard of them.
Raw Material:-The dead animals and slaughterhouses waste which rendering plants recycle includes:Slaughterhouses waste such as heads and hooves from cattle, sheep, pigs and horses, blood, bones, etc.
Thousands of euthanised cats and dogs from veterinarians and animal shelters Dead animals such as skunks, rats, and raccoons
Carcasses of pets, livestock, poultry waste
Supermarket rejects
Along with the above material, the rendering plants unavoidably process toxic wastes as indicated below.
Toxic Waste:
The following menu of unwanted ingredients often accompany with dead animals and other raw material:
Pesticides via poisoned livestock
Euthanasia drugs that were given to pets
Some dead animals have flea collars containing organophosphate insecticides
Fish oil laced with bootleg DDT
Insecticide Dursban in the form of cattle insecticide patch
Other chemicals leaked from antibiotics in livestock
Heavy metals from pet ID tag, surgical pins and needles
Plastic from:
Styrofoam trays from packed unsold supermarket meats, chicken and fish
Cattle ID tags
Plastic insecticide patches
Green plastic bags containing dead pets from veterinarians
Skyrocketing labor costs are one of the economic factors forcing the corporate flesh-peddlers to cheat. It is far too costly for plant personnel to cut off flea collars or unwrap spoiled T-bone steaks. Every week, millions of packages of plastic-wrapped meat go through the rendering process and become one of the unwanted ingredients in animal feed.
Recycling Process:
The rendering plant floor is piled high with 'raw product' all waiting to be processed. In the 90-degree heat, the piles of dead animals seem to have a life of their own as millions of maggots swarm over the carcasses.
First the raw material is cut into small pieces and then transported to another auger for fine shredding. It is then cooked at 280 degrees for one hour. This process melts the meat away from bones in the hot 'soup.' This continuous batch cooking process goes on non-stop for 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
During this cooking process, the soup produces fat of yellow grease or tallow (animal fat) that rises to the top and is skimmed off. The cooked meat and bone are sent to a hammermill press, which squeezes out the remaining moisture and pulverizes the product into a gritty powder. Shaker screens remove excess hair and large bone chips. Now the following three products are produced:
Recycled meat
Yellow grease (animal fat)
Bone meal
Since these foods are exclusively used to feed animals, most state agency spot check and test for truth in labeling such as: does the percentage of protein, phosphorous and calcium match the rendering plant's claims; do the percentages meet state requirements? However, testing for pesticides and other toxins in animal feeds is not done or is done incomplete.
Recycled Products and Usage:
Every day, hundreds of rendering plants across the United States truck millions of tons of this 'food enhancer' to dairy industry, poultry ranches, cattle feed-lots, hog farms, fish-feed plants, and pet-food manufacturers. This food enhancer is mixed with other ingredients to feed the billions of animals.
Rendering plants have different specialties. Some product-label names are: meat meal, meat by-products, poultry meal, poultry by-products, fishmeal, fish oil, yellow grease, tallow, beef fat and chicken fat.
A 1991 USDA report states that approximately 7.9 billion pounds of meat, bone meal, blood meal, and feather meal was produced by rendering plants in 1983. Of that amount:
12 percent was used in dairy and beef cattle feed.
Now that you have been informed, get you Soul Purpose total body wellness.
www.debbipatrick.soulpurpose.net 314-332-0985
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